August 24, 2013

Creative Marketing Campaigns

Advertisements are a part and parcel of each of our lives. Behind every advertisement is the hard working designer who strives his level best encouraging, persuading, or manipulating the viewer's, reader's or a listener's perspective towards a brand or a message.

Here are some of the most influential and clever ads I have ever encountered on social causes.

To begin with, here’s an ad on Child Abuse by Anar foundation which tries to deliver the following message: “Sometimes child abuse is visible only to the child suffering it.”

They have also calculated the average height of a ten-year-old and, using lenticular printing, added a layer of imagery and text that's only visible from a child's-eye-view. To children, the poster shows the child wounded, the ANAR hotline and reads: "If someone's hurting you, phone us and we'll help you".

This particular ad was issued by road traffic control to create awareness about results of increased speed limit and consequences of drinking and driving.

As clear as the message, “Thousands of people owe their lives to organ donors”. 

This witty advertisement creates curiosity about the unusual photograph hanging on the wall. The message gets clear when you read the tagline: “Chewing tobacco causes mouth cancer.”

Another humorous advertisement on the harmful effects of smoking, surely catches viewers attention!

A guerrilla marketing campaign to educate the masses on the subject of rising pollution levels in the air.

One of the most well turned-out ads by a job portal,'s conveying the message "Life's too short for the wrong job.”

Brand fights: Epic ad war!

BMW, Audi, Subaru, Bentley

Kingfisher, Jet Airways, Go Air and Zoomtra

Most interesting confession ever!

Fevicol “the ultimate adhesive” true to its words!

And finally, it is not just the print advertisements dominating; here are some animated ones too!  Fun creative ads for a bus service company.


  1. Hey Yashpreet....

    I keep looking out for such creative and effective ads, love them! But now it is great to have a platform where I can see all of 'em at one go. This is gonna save me time :D

    You got some good ones up there. Cheers! Keep the blog going. :)

  2. Hey Tulsi! Thank you so much for appreciating. Means a lot. :)
